Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fall Finds #4

Early in October an ebay seller from RI contacted me saying he had hundreds of dug bottles in his basement. Needless to say, that got me excited! He did indeed have hundreds of bottles, but many were from Massachusetts. There were however a decent number of RI bottles. A McKenna & Conaty Providence, RI etched wine bottle joined the unlisted the club!

The only other unlisted bottle from the dug bottle group was an A. Hasselbaum Co. Prov. RI crown top. Like the McKenna & Conaty from my last post, this bottle is only listed as a blob top, and this is the second unlisted crown top version I have found!

I discovered a local antique shop had acquired some of the Greer collection bottles. Among many Conaty bottles I found a Sullivan Bros. Providence, RI aqua crown top. This is the only aqua crown top I have seen from this company, and the body is narrower than most examples.

And yes, I did find a McKenna & Conaty Providence, RI blob! This example had “this bottle not to be sold” on the rear heel, which made it unlisted.

On my last visit to the big town dump, I made an amusingly coincidental find. A John Metzger Providence, RI medicine, in the exact style of the one I got 7 posts back! This one was bigger and beat up, but still a pleasant surprise!

Fall Finds #3

The Keene, NH bottle show is always an exciting event, and I was quite happy with my finds. A Frank P. Casey North Smithfield, RI amber blob was the only unlisted bottle I came across. This example has an oval slugplate, as opposed to the two listed examples with round slugplates.

A Hazard, Hazard & Co. Chemist New York & Newport round medicine turned out to be an unlisted version. Newport is one word (the other spells it New Port), and there is a period after Newport. 

The Little Rhody Bottle Club's fall tailgate show was a great success, with excellent weather and lots of buying and selling. I was excited to pick up a Houle Bros. Pawtucket, RI blob. The only documented Houle Bros. bottle is etched, so this is the first know embossed example!

I seem to be on a role when it comes to McKenna & Conaty/ Bernard Conaty bottles. A McKenna & Conaty Providence, RI crown top surfaced at the last Little Rhody Bottle Club tailgate show. That makes two unlisted McKenna & Conaty crown tops!

Also present at the tailgate was a P.H. Corbett Newport, RI etched wine. A scarce bottle to begin with, the etched version had to come home with me!