The mega dump threw a huge crier at me today! A H.A. Kalkman Graduate in Pharmacy Newport, RI citrate of magnesia broken in place. Even the stopper was there, but I have no idea where the lip went!
A blob finally surfaced! I believe kids collected them back in the day to get 2 cents per bottle, hence their relative absence. This one was a new variant D.W. Sheehan Bottler Newport, RI.
I picked up a Francis Gavin Pawtucket, RI for resale, but noticed it looked slightly different than the others. Sure enough, it was! I have quite the family of these now!
I traded a friend of mine for an O. Sumner & Son Providence pharmacy. This one was skinny with a long neck, making it a new variant!
My last river walk turned up an exciting find! A National Wine Co. Providence, RI crown top. Previously I only had a small shard to confirm it existed!