The Enfield, CT show is a small yet fun
show that heralds the end of Winter. I was ablet to meet a collector
who was kind enough to sell me his unlisted Westminster Hotel
Chas. Leonhardt Providence, RI whiskey. Not only is it unlisted,
but it is the only flask from RI embossed with a hotel name!
Another bottle from the “mega blob”
collection was a Providence Brewing Co. Providence, Rhode Island
crown top. I pretty much figured I had it, but when I
cross-examined it, surprise! It was an oval slugplate, while my
versions have round slugplates.
One of my favorite additions from the
giant blob collection was a completely unlisted Frank Cardullo &
Michael Corigliano Admiral St. Providence, RI.
It's the only RI blob that has two bottlers with their names spelled
out completely, and the address is local to me!
Ah yes, another minor McKenna &
Conaty Providence variant! This one has a monogram variation.
My size run from the most successful
drugstore in Pawtucket just got bigger! I added my 5th
size of the rectangular Fisk & Co. Druggists Pawtucket, RI
medicine. Measuring 5-1/4",
it is unlisted.