I saw an online ad for bottles that included two Palmer & Madigan Providence, RI flasks. I didn't realize until I looked closer that they were error embossed Palmer & Maggan! My interest kicked into high gear. The guy ran a hole in the wall junk shop but I made him a fair offer so he would keep looking for more bottles.
A recent basement pick yielded a bunch of locally dug bottles. I had a lot of the RI bottles but a few were new to me. One was a base embossed AO (American Oyster) bottle. This might have been the first or last version of this bottle?
Also in the basement pick was a D & C (Doge & Camfield) strap sided pint flask. That's my second flask size!
Unsurprisingly there was also a quart D and C flask. This was different than the one I picked up a few months back (said D & C).
The last of the new basement bottles was a 6” Otis Clapp & Son square med. I figured I had it but surprise! The Clapp horde still grows.